iCagenda - English
module with calender not working
module with calender not working
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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #15134
par stof
When I install the module calender. I can not go click through to the other months. It seems it tries to load but it always just displays november.
Any idea what this could be?
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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #15149
par Lyr!C
You may have a script library conflict (with another extension loading a jquery library conflicting with Joomla core one) or a script error in another extension loaded before calendar module, and breaking the calendar script.
Is it possible to provide on online link to the page, so that i could inspect the console and check for errors (and maybe get useful info on where it comes from) ?
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
module with calender not working
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