iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] Categories shown additionaly to search mask
[ROADMAP] Categories shown additionaly to search mask
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois - il y a 6 ans 7 mois #15624
par boeschung
we need to present our calendar categories just like shown in the screenshot you can find attatched.
Categories should be shown underneath the search mask. If you klick one category, all events of this cat. are shown, just like if you choose the cat. from the search mask.
I am not shure how to solve this with icagenda only. Any ideas?
Best regards
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 7 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [ROADMAP]
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois #15628
par Lyr!C
Hello Stefanie,
This is a future improvement i have to do! (not yet done, but maybe in the upcoming months for 3.8 (see
frequently to keep updated information)
Best regards,
Note: i've planned to review this option and the way categories label and description are displayed too.
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iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] Categories shown additionaly to search mask
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