iCagenda - English
Format address - Netherlands
Format address - Netherlands
Erik Deutz
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois #15636
par Erik Deutz
Today I've discovered an issue with the address in the eventview. In the Netherlands it will be displayed as:
Streetname Number
Zipcode Town
In previous versions it was displayed as common, but today ive discovered that it is displayed as:
Number, Streetname
Zipcode Town
Where can I chance the addressformat to the common Netherlandsformat and it won't be overwritten by the next updates of IcAgenda?
With regards,
Erik Deutz
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois #15638
par Lyr!C
Hello Erik,
Which was the previous version you refer too ?
As this function was not modified since a long time...
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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iCagenda - English
Format address - Netherlands
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