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Copy fail when update the file

  • sunglu
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il y a 6 ans 6 mois #15837 par sunglu
Copy fail when update the file a été créé par sunglu
I want to update the latest version of icagenda, however it always appear fail to copy site files. For other components I can update without error. Also the component couldn't find the icagenda. It happens when my joomla update to 3.8.10.

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 6 ans 6 mois #15842 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Copy fail when update the file

It seems you have other issues too on your site, and some not well installed other extension (nonumber ones for example...)

I would first recommand you to try to update iCagenda using the Joomla Extensions manager.
If still issue, then check all permissions on files and folders on your Joomla repository (could be only a few one files with permissions issues).
Then clear the temp folder.
And try again using Joomla updater for extensions.

Hope this helps in a way, but seems other issues there...


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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