iCagenda - English
Fill custom dropdown with names of registered users
Fill custom dropdown with names of registered users
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il y a 6 ans 5 mois #15848
par tino5423
Hi all,
I recently installed iCagenda and I'm quite new to it. So sorry for my question!
I added custom fields to get filled during event-creation process. One of the is a dropdown-list. I want this dropdown list to be filled with all the names of the registered users of my website, so that they can be chosen to have a special function on the event.
Background: we are a litte flying-club and we want to organize our dates we use for flying. On these dates we have people coming only to participate on this date, without haven a special function. Their names are placed in the list of participants. This is clear.
But for example there is the function of the operations manager for a certain date. Basically this is a member of our club, who is responsible for all flight operations of this date. I want the name of this operations manager to be placed under event information. As this person is a member of our club, it has a login to the website. So I want the dropdown-list filled with all registered users so that I don't have to manage all options manually.
Hope you can help me and thanks in advance!
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il y a 6 ans 5 mois #15853
par Lyr!C
Hello Tino,
Unfortunately, this is not possible today, without having to code on your own the needed custom field...
But having a custom field of type "Joomla user" could be an idea for the future. But see that would be worked using Joomla core api only if all users have access to users manager...
But for now, no easy solution for an automatic list of users.
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
Fill custom dropdown with names of registered users
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