iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] Registration by date and for all dates
[ROADMAP] Registration by date and for all dates
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il y a 6 ans 5 mois - il y a 6 ans 5 mois #15905
par lpnischida
I have an event with 2 dates and 300 vacancies for each day. I need to give the option pro interested if you register for the day, so that's fine, but what if he wants to register for every day, you can not set this option in the subscription?
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 5 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [ROADMAP]
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il y a 6 ans 5 mois #15915
par Lyr!C
The current dates system won't allow this, but i've planned a full new dates system for iCagenda 4.0.0 (this one will allow multiple dates registration more easily).
This development will start (even if some tasks prepare) by the end of 2018, when 3.8 will be full released.
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] Registration by date and for all dates
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