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extra fields in registration form

  • ekfe
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #16141 par ekfe
extra fields in registration form a été créé par ekfe
Hallo... I'm using Icagenda 3.7.5 in Joomla 3.9 to organize th visits at my orgazisation. Generally it works ok. I would like to add some custom fields in the registration form (not only e-mail, name, tel, notes etc). I made some custom fileds, organized as registration form parent, but i want to change the order they appear, in combination with the initial fields (2nd name for example, custom field at the beginning orf the form etc).

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #16144 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet extra fields in registration form

So you just have to create custom fields of type "override" for each one of the core fields you use (name, email, tel...).
Then, simply order the list of custom fields in the admin list, and it will use this ordering in frontend form.

Hope this helps ?

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #16148 par ekfe
Réponse de ekfe sur le sujet extra fields in registration form
Fine that makes sense... I'll try this and i' ll answer here.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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