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[SOLVED] Customize Registration Page

  • WET1985
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il y a 5 ans 9 mois - il y a 5 ans 9 mois #16467 par WET1985
[SOLVED] Customize Registration Page a été créé par WET1985
Hello everybody,

I have seen this article and would also like to edit the registration page.

We have decided in the company for our customers to be able to offer training on our website. Sorry My English is not good.

Now I noticed that the registration page needs to be adjusted.

iCagenda v. 3.7.8
Joomla V3.9.4

Attached is the view I mean. Is there a way to customize this page? If yes how?

As you can see in the picture, "Firma" is at the bottom. I have created this as a custom field, but it can not be positioned by name.

I would like to set the following fields:
1. Company Name
2. Company Address
3. First Name
4. Last name
5. E-mail
6. Email Confirm
7. Telephone
8. Number of tickets (If more than one ticket is booked, further fields for First and Last Name.)

I hope my request is expressed understandably.

Best regards,
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Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 9 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]

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  • WET1985
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il y a 5 ans 9 mois #16473 par WET1985
Réponse de WET1985 sur le sujet Customize Registration Page
Hello everyone,

I found a solution. I solved my request with overrides.

Another short question. My colleague has bought the Pro license for our company. How do I install the license? Do I have to copy the whole folder? Or is it possible via Joomla?

Thank you and best regards

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  • Lyr!C
  • Portrait de Lyr!C
  • Administrateur
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il y a 5 ans 9 mois #16480 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Customize Registration Page

I found a solution. I solved my request with overrides.

So, solved it with custom fields overrides ?...

Another short question. My colleague has bought the Pro license for our company. How do I install the license? Do I have to copy the whole folder? Or is it possible via Joomla?

Simply install the pro version using Joomla extensions install.
iCagenda script will automatically detect existing free version installed, and will process upgrade to pro.

Best regards,

note: for faster support, don't hesitate to use the pro tickets system if you have a pro subscription ;-)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
Temps de génération de la page : 0.101 secondes


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