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[SOLVED] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), V. 2.0, Level AA - Italics

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois - il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16660 par 4samuels
I had tested my site against WCAG V2 Level AA and found a problem with ICAgenda as it uses italic instead of em or strong.

<code>i</code> (italic) element is not used.

How do get to the html to change it to em or strong?

It shows errors for <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> and the short descriptions.
Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 5 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16661 par Lyr!C

"fa fa-bars" is not a CSS icon classe used in iCagenda.

So, it could come from your editor, or your site template...

Hope this helps ?

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16662 par 4samuels
Yes you are correct about "fa fa-bars" - it was in my template. Thanks.

I believe this however is part of ICAgenda. The short description.
<div class="descshort ic-descshort">
<i>9:00AM - 3:00PM</i> </div>

Where can I change this from italics to em?

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16663 par Lyr!C

Could you provide an online link to the page, as i don't see really about where you have i tags for time?

In all cases, there's nothing wrong to use the <i> tags here, as it is not a semantic content, but just for styling, and by history, i tag was for italic, and the same for b tag for bold. But today, a lot of different interpration about their usage, and not a real clear definition about its usage...

As here, there's no need to emphasize a word or passage of text, the i tag has no issue for example with a screen reader.

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16666 par 4samuels
Yes the website is

An online WCAG checker indicates this is not compliant to V2 Level AA as the short description uses italics.

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16667 par Lyr!C
Checker are not "human" controller, and <i> does not give issues with browsers nor screen reader, which is the most important fact ;-)

But i tag are not banned, just it's recommended to use em for semantic content (not the case here) or a css class instead (eg. using a span tag with a specific class to set font to italic).

In all cases, as i see it is in the list view, with the auto introtext "short description", you have just to change your setting for option "HTML Filtering" and set it to no HTML or custom list of HTML tags ;-)

This option is in global options of component > General settings > Miscellaneous

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16668 par 4samuels
Thank you very much. Your suggestion worked. The checker no longer displays it as being non-compliant.

I changed as suggested the "HTML filtering" under the component > General Settings > Miscellaneous.

Really appreciate your quick and helpful responses. I am enjoying ICAgenda. Thank you.

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il y a 5 ans 5 mois #16669 par Lyr!C
You're welcome! ;-)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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