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[SOLVED] Frontend event adding

  • Fleder
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il y a 9 ans 4 mois #10886 par Fleder
Réponse de Fleder sur le sujet [IN DEV.] Frontend event adding

is this now a thing? This has been posted long ago, so i guess it should've been implemented by now.
But i can not find a way to let some users create events via the frontend.

thanks and regards

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  • driscol
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il y a 9 ans 4 mois #10890 par driscol
Réponse de driscol sur le sujet [IN DEV.] Frontend event adding
Hi Mitch,

answered your question in the German forum.
@ Lyr!C - is it not intend to make it happen to delete events from the frontend? This would make the work much easier.


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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 9 ans 4 mois #10893 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet [IN DEV.] Frontend event adding

Fleder écrit: Hello,

is this now a thing? This has been posted long ago, so i guess it should've been implemented by now.
But i can not find a way to let some users create events via the frontend.

thanks and regards

As driscol may have answered, yes, this is available since more than one year now ;-)

@driscol :

Hi Mitch,

answered your question in the German forum.
@ Lyr!C - is it not intend to make it happen to delete events from the frontend? This would make the work much easier.

Not this year... already so much things to do, or in process!
One day, i will see to develop a frontend manager for iCagenda (maybe in the pro version) to allow edition, and other admin tasks.
But today i'm focused on improving all the core code, the structure and to improve all needed options for registration system as well as to extend custom fields possibilities (this is for 3.6.0 currently in dev!)
The next major task, will be to implement a new dates manager. It will be the 4.0.0!
So... wait and see where i will be in the development process by begin of 2016, to know what could be the roadmap for 2016 ;-)

Thank you!
Best Regards,

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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