iCagenda - English
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il y a 5 ans 2 mois #16761
par Dazw1969
I am using iCagenda on a couple of sites and was wondering if its possible to change the wording on the Events list?
One of my sites is for a golf society and use it as their diary to list this years venues they are playing at, so rather it say "All Events (there are 18 event)" I'd like it to read "This year venues" for example.
and my other site is a local pub displaying live bands so would like it to read "Upcoming Gigs" or something like that.
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il y a 5 ans 2 mois - il y a 5 ans 2 mois #16777
par Lyr!C
iCagenda is using standard language system, so you can override every languages strings!
To do so, watch first this short tutorial video on how too:
And then, search using this system, for strings you want to change
Hope this helps?
Best regards,
Tip: in directory language/en-GB/en-GB.com_icagenda.ini (or the one of your language) you will find all language strings used for frontend, and then you will know the language constant string keys
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Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 2 mois par Lyr!C.
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il y a 5 ans 2 mois #16789
par Dazw1969
Perfect Many thanks.. would never have found that.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C
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il y a 5 ans 2 mois #16790
par Lyr!C
You're welcome!
Joomla language overrides is like a very useful hidden secret...
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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iCagenda - English
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