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Two columns / custom css for second column
Two columns / custom css for second column
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il y a 5 ans 1 mois #16799
par jjarecki
I was bought subscription and have design question:
I would like to have two different CSS for each one column.
Is there any chance that i can have custom css class for col1 and col2?
(i will write my own style - but i dont know how i can distinguish two columns because now - they have the same classes).
How it's made now:
I would like to have like below:
I will be grateful for your help.
Best Regards
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il y a 5 ans 1 mois #16801
par Lyr!C
Hello here,
As answered with pro support, i put my answer here too in case it could help others:
About CSS for module, the way is to use nth-child www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_nth-child.asp on class ic-col (or ic-col2)
The col2 si not 2 for second column, but as for Bootstrap's span, it's the number to divide the full width of a parent element.
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
Two columns / custom css for second column
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