iCagenda - English
Getting Error after updating new version of iCagenda™ [3.7.14]
Getting Error after updating new version of iCagenda™ [3.7.14]
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il y a 4 ans 8 mois #17007
par niravmistry13
i have joomla base website. My Joomla version is 3.9.18.
When i update iCagenda™ [3.7.14] in my website, its updated.
But now if go to event list page it show me error . Error is bellow
"Error: 0 - Call to a member function __toString() on string"
I also attach the screenshot of the error.
Please help me out to solve this issue.
Thank you.
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il y a 4 ans 8 mois #17012
par Lyr!C
Well maybe it's due to another extension updated in the same time?
To know the exact error message, turn on "Maximum" Joomla Error Reporting (in global configuration of Joomla).
And see warning error messages on the page.
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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iCagenda - English
Getting Error after updating new version of iCagenda™ [3.7.14]
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