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Confirmation Mail with non publishe individual event information
Confirmation Mail with non publishe individual event information
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il y a 3 ans 10 mois #17307
par anstheni
Hello Cyril, hello joomlic team,
First of all, thank you very much for your great work on this versatile and clear event calendar.
I use your calendar in our sports club for booking courses and currently for online training. Each online training has an individual link for access.
So I have a question about the confirmation email that is sent to the person booking. I know that the mail is controlled by the global parameters and can be set as default or custom.
Is there a way to add a non-published variable to an event (e.g. link to an online training) which can be included in the confirmation email? If I use a user-defined field, it will be published on the website. That's not what we want. Currently we send a newsletter with the indivdual event information, but this is not an ideal solution. Maybe I just haven't recognized the solution yet, so I would be pleased about any assistance.
Best regards Anja
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il y a 3 ans 10 mois #17313
par Lyr!C
Not yet possible, but for version 3.8, i've been working on some additionnal functionnalities, such as the possibility to include individual custom fields in email notification using tags. (so more tag possibilities to include custom fields from registration and/or event in the way you want using a custom email body or by overriding the default language string)
I've planned too possibilities to set a custom field for event as visible in frontend or not. So it should be exactly what you want to achieve, and to be added in the 3.8 serie.
Best regards,
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il y a 3 ans 10 mois #17315
par anstheni
Thanks a lot!
Best regards
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C
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iCagenda - English
Confirmation Mail with non publishe individual event information
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