iCagenda - English
Event in calendar when event duration < 1 min.
Event in calendar when event duration < 1 min.
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il y a 1 an 6 mois #18237
par sergej.papper
For some unknown reason, there are two days highlighted in iCagenda calendar when single event duration is less than 1 min. (please see attached print-screen for the detailed information).
At the moment of writing, latest version of iCagenda (3.8.18) is installed.
Can you help me with it? Thank you.
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il y a 1 an 6 mois #18240
par Lyr!C
I'm not able to reproduce this issue.
Tested in both J3 and J4.
Is your Joomla up-to-date to latest J3 version?
What is your PHP version?
Note: seems more accurate in this case to use a single date, as no end date, but good to know about this issue you have.
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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il y a 1 an 6 mois #18245
par sergej.papper
Interesting.. My PHP version is 7.4.10 and Joomla is 3.10.12.
Just tested one more time - issue still the same.
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il y a 1 an 5 mois #18250
par Lyr!C
I've tested with PHP8... not yet with php 7.4
But as this was working with no issue before on PHP 7.4, i will see to do a test too, to confirm if i have or not this issue.
But really weird... (another idea: how is set the timezone in your Joomla global configuration? And/or your user account Timezone option? Is it set to your real timezone?)
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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iCagenda - English
Event in calendar when event duration < 1 min.
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