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ic_rounded issue in Joomla 5,0,0
ic_rounded issue in Joomla 5,0,0
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il y a 1 an 3 mois - il y a 1 an 3 mois #18365
par Eaglesoft
Hello! I am somewhat confused.
After upgrading Joomla to 5.0.0 ICAgenda fails when using IC_rounded theme. Default theme works OK.
So I downloaded and installed IC_rounded theme ver. 3.7.3 and everything seemed to work fine now.
But on the next upgrade I think I will have the same problems again.
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il y a 1 an 3 mois #18370
par Lyr!C
Thank you for this report.
This issue should not be visible, as it's only aria-label that is not well generated.
Could you install the new version of ic_rounded theme pack:
NOTE: to be installed in iCagenda > Themes (do not use joomla extensions installer)
Thank you!
Best regards,
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Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Eaglesoft
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iCagenda - English
ic_rounded issue in Joomla 5,0,0
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