iCagenda - English
Custom fields in the confirmation mail
Custom fields in the confirmation mail
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il y a 20 heures 53 minutes #18701
par beato
Hi everybody,
Joomla 4.4.10 / iCagenda 3.9.8
I've defined some custom fields. These fields are shown in the registration form as expected.
I'd like to include the custom fields in the confirmation mail but these fields are not sent.
Part of the confirmation email:
Name: [NAME]
Anzahl Tickets/Plätze: [PLACES]
Notizen: [NOTES]
In the (custom defined) confirmation email the registrant never receives the content of the custom fields but all content of the other fields.
I've also tried a standard email but it didn't work too.
How can I fix that?
Thanks in advance
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iCagenda - English
Custom fields in the confirmation mail
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