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[VIEWED] Calendar and List of Events in an article

  • crshtstdmmy
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il y a 11 ans 5 mois - il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4552 par crshtstdmmy
I'm newbie with Joomla(using v2.5.14). I'd like to insert the calendar and the list of events in an article, no in the main page, and I'm having problems to do that simple task. I'm pretty sure I'm asking something silly, but after watching the iCagenda videos and after read the differents threads in the forum, I'm still have problems I don't understand the way to do it. Please, I'll appreciate your help.
Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 5 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]

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il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4554 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calendar and List of Events in an article

In joomla, it's not in core possible to add a component in an article.

You can for a module with {loadposition} function :

For a component, some extensions maybe able to do it, but not always with success. I've tested one (don't remember the name) but not working very well, as link to details view didn't work.

Maybe you can find some extensions to do that on the JED, but the first question : why do you need to do that ? :)

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il y a 11 ans 5 mois - il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4557 par crshtstdmmy
Réponse de crshtstdmmy sur le sujet Calendar and List of Events in an article
Hi Lyr!C

why do I need to do that? That question leads me to the point that I'm doing something wrong. I'll try to explain myself better:

I have the main page in a site, with a main menu, and a few menu items. Those menu items call differents Single Articles or 'pages'. I'd like to add the iC Calendar with the All Events List together in one of those pages, not in the Main Page, and those pages're Single Articles. It looks like something very simple to do, but I don't know the way to do it because I'm new in the Joomla world.

I've installed iCagenda v 3.1.2 correctly, I've created a category and a few events, I can see them but in differents webpages. Everything looks good, but I can't have the the iC Calendar with the All Events List together in one of those pages.

Thanks a lot for your fast answer and your time to answer my questions.
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Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 5 mois par crshtstdmmy.

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il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4558 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calendar and List of Events in an article
Yes, this may be a misunderstanding of joomla logic (don't worry, i had the same question years ago, when first steps with joomla ;-) )

In fact, component are creating pages, exactly as articles. So you can have to component in the same page.
About modules, you can have as many as you want on one page.

But, it's possible to insert an article in a module position, which can be display on the page of iCagenda component. You need a specific extension to do that, and many does this job on the JED :

This way, on one page to events list, you can publish 2 modules (one calendar, and one article)
This mean to edit your site template to maybe create a module position that can display article module in the way you want...

About a component (iCagenda) in a module position, maybe this extension could do the job, but i'm really not sure it can...

But, with Pro version, you have a extra module with iCagenda : Event List.
This module able you to have a selected list of events (but not all, only a selected number) in a module position.

Many things are possible, but it means to have a site template well constructed for this!

Maybe, the best way for you, is to have an article in module position, but without a specific picture to show on all pages, which logic you want, difficult to answer you.
An other point, the developper of your site template is the best personn to answer you about this, as he knows the code of his template, and can tell you what is possible or not ;-)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: crshtstdmmy

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il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4586 par crshtstdmmy
Réponse de crshtstdmmy sur le sujet Calendar and List of Events in an article
First at all, thank you very much fot your fast and complete answer, Lyr!C.

Second, I love ICagenda component, it looks amazing, and it gives to my site a very professional look. I'm going to try your advices. Let me try, I let you know about the result.

Thanks a lot, Lyr!C.

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il y a 11 ans 5 mois #4590 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calendar and List of Events in an article
Yes, thanks to keep us informed, it can be useful for other users too ! ;)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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il y a 10 ans 9 mois - il y a 10 ans 9 mois #6884 par jacquotte6
Réponse de jacquotte6 sur le sujet [VIEWED] Calendar and List of Events in an article
You can use this Joomla! plugin : Components Anywhere :woohoo:
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 9 mois par jacquotte6.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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il y a 10 ans 9 mois #6896 par Lyr!C

jacquotte6 écrit: You can use this Joomla! plugin : Components Anywhere :woohoo:

Thank you! ;-)

But with some SEF config, could give trouble when changing page in list of events... Or do you have none ?


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
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