iCagenda - English
auto delete event?
auto delete event?
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il y a 11 ans 4 mois #4686
par gany
Is there a way to automatically delete an event after it has expired? For example, event YYY is on 23 August 2013. How can I delete it automatically on 24 August? Or at least make it automatically unpublished?
I have a L-O-T of events in the calendar, far too much to delete the expired ones by hand every day.
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il y a 11 ans 4 mois #4695
par Lyr!C
If you mean about list of events page, you have an option in params of the menu item, to select which events to display : past, upcoming AND/OR today's events and all (all is default)
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iCagenda - English
auto delete event?
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