iCagenda Theme Packs
[SOLVED] Is this layout possible with a custom theme?
[SOLVED] Is this layout possible with a custom theme?
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il y a 8 ans 5 mois #12534
par Lyr!C
PS: I found a little bug. If I have set a character limit for event titles, the titles that are below the limit get the three dots "..." at the end of the event name if the event name has a space at the end of it. Once I deleted the spaces from the ends of the titles only the titles above the limit had the dots. (I didn't have a character limit set at the time so you won't see the bug in the image)
Thanks for this report!
I will check this later, (maybe only for 3.6.0 as so many changes done, and this one new important version is in the last month of its development
Best Regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.7
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iCagenda Theme Packs
[SOLVED] Is this layout possible with a custom theme?
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