iCagenda Theme Packs
ICagenda Theme pack: error on installation
ICagenda Theme pack: error on installation
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois #3381
par FilipLinda
Hello, when I go to the tab THEMES in IC Agenda, I get this message:
Geïnstalleerde themapakketten
Warning: fsockopen() has been disabled for security reasons in /xxx/public_html/administrator/components/com_icagenda/views/themes/tmpl/default.php on line 136
I'm quite new with Joomla, how can I solve this?
Thanks for your kind help.
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois #3382
par Lyr!C
This seems to be a wrong server setup.
You may have a problem too, to update all extensions from joomla extension manager.
About server setup needed by Joomla :
Look at: " Use allow_url_fopen "
Sometimes, you can just asked to your hoster to set up as needed you server.
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iCagenda Theme Packs
ICagenda Theme pack: error on installation
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