gabdziol wrote: This si my page:
Your site template is outdated, or not written for Joomla 3.
This one is loaded jQuery version 1.8.1 (mainly used on Joomla 2.5...) which enters in conflict with Joomla core jQuery version 1.11.2 (which one is loaded by Joomla, and to have no conflict, no extensions should load another jQuery library, as J3 does it for all!)
<script src="/templates/untitled/jquery.js"></script>
So, checked if an update is available for you template or if this one is really code for Joomla 3.
If not, remove the line in your template, loading this file : /templates/untitled/jquery.js (maybe it could solve your issue, but better to check all pages of the site, to see if nothing is broken...)
But my recommendation would be to search for another site template, one really coded for Joomla 3, and one responsive! (as your site template is not responsive, and so not mobile friendly. It's important today to have a site mobile friendly, to be better referenced by Google: ;-) )
Best Regards,