SLV ha scritto: Yes, partially solved by "surgery"
Had to comment lines of the code that checks the name (lines 3370 - 3391) in icmodel.php
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SLV ha scritto: I do not understand. Usually, string functions work with Cyrillic symbols.
In the details of the code, I have not delved.
// Function used for special characters
function substr_unicode($str, $s, $l = null) {
return join("", array_slice(
preg_split("//u", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY), $s, $l));
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Could you give me example of working and not working control for name ? (as the control is detecting if no number as first letter, more than 2 letters, and no special characters...)
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2John or D, or if the name contains quotes
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