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[ROADMAP] iCagenda Calendar event ordering

  • jed_keenan
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11 Anni 1 Mese fa - 11 Anni 4 Settimane fa #5891 da jed_keenan
[ROADMAP] iCagenda Calendar event ordering è stato creato da jed_keenan

I have multiple events on the same date at different times, each categorised separately:
* 1800 Category 1 Event
* 1900 Category 2 Event
* 1940 Category 3 Event
The Calendar module displays the last, 1940 Category 3 Event, and I want to show the first, 1800 Category 1 Event.

How do I change the order being displayed in the Calendar module from last category to first category?

I ask because of the number of people turning up late and me being made to share some of the blame.
Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 4 Settimane fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [ROADMAP]

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11 Anni 4 Settimane fa #5908 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic iCagenda Calendar event ordering

Currently, it is ordering by default byt date and time, and with no order (php default behaviour)

But, i will work on option for this in the weeks to come.
In fact, i'm planning many options and enhancements, and a new tooltip too, more responsive.

But i'm not sure to have understand :
Do you want it to be ordered by time or by category ?...


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  • jed_keenan
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11 Anni 4 Settimane fa #5913 da jed_keenan
Risposta da jed_keenan al topic iCagenda Calendar event ordering
Hello Lyr

Three different categories of events have different starting times and I would love to see the first event category displayed in the Calendar rather than the last: Category by linear order.

* 1800 Intro 1 (Intro Category) - Wished for display
* 1900 Advanced 1 (Advanced Category)
* 1900 Beginner (Beginner Category)
* 1930 Intro 2 (Intro Category)
* 2000 Advanced 2 (Advanced Category) - Currently displayed

Yours sincerely

Jed Keenan

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11 Anni 4 Settimane fa #5924 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic iCagenda Calendar event ordering

jed_keenan ha scritto: Hello Lyr

Three different categories of events have different starting times and I would love to see the first event category displayed in the Calendar rather than the last: Category by linear order.

* 1800 Intro 1 (Intro Category) - Wished for display
* 1900 Advanced 1 (Advanced Category)
* 1900 Beginner (Beginner Category)
* 1930 Intro 2 (Intro Category)
* 2000 Advanced 2 (Advanced Category) - Currently displayed

Yours sincerely

Jed Keenan

Clear and interesting! ;-)

I understand well, just now how to implement this possibility. i add this to my roadmap as a new feature, but i will see if you could may be do a hack in code to able part of this possibility.
Keep you informed! (if no news from me in 3 days, post a message to remind me! ;-) )

Regards and Thanks!

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa #6040 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic iCagenda Calendar event ordering

In lastest version of iCagenda, i've added time option, and a default ordering which is Time ascendant, and if the same time, category title ascendant.

Today, the option is almost ready, but i have to check how to display it to able it to work properly, and suite possible other ordering (cat ID, event title...)

So, i'm searching for the best way of creating this option, as it is complex due to many possible combinations, if you want a prior ordering, and a sub-ordering...

Ideas about it are welcome!!!


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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