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[VIEWED] Out of memory error after Submission (Great Picturesize for Eventpicture) Frontend

  • jengar
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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa - 10 Anni 10 Mesi fa #6616 da jengar
Hi and good Evening,

i have tried out to generate a new Event with a great Picturesize (2,9 MB) as eventpicture. It was only a Test (cause i have thinkt that a error Message will come up). But it wom´t and i become a EMail that a new Event was generated. After that i cant access the Site and it comes only this Message :

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 63700992) (tried to allocate 19648 bytes) in .../Joomla/media/com_icagenda/scripts/icthumb.php on line 50

I have backedup the Site before and hope all will get fine.

But please look at it cause a Mistace could damage the page ......

Tell me where i can set a Maximum Picturesize cause the Site should next week on Air and i am not the only Person who can submit Events :)


Edit : Site restored and seems all right !
Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 10 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [VIEWED]

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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa #6631 da Lyr!C

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 63700992) (tried to allocate 19648 bytes) in .../Joomla/media/com_icagenda/scripts/icthumb.php on line 50

After such a message, just clean your browser cache ;-)
No need to install again!

About limit of size, for file download, this is an issue from your server.

Could you look at your media global options settings to see what is the Maximum Size (in MB) and compare it with limit upload set for your server (you can see it in info system).


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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa #6645 da jengar
Hi There,
my maximum Size is 10 MB. And other Contents havn´t such a Problem ?! What so you mean with "see it in info System" ?


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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa #6649 da Lyr!C

You have a sub-menu in joomla admin, where you have "system information".

In all cases, is it working with smaller picture ?
Because, the error comes from a php function, and it could be too due to your php version, ar because of an other server issue...

An other question : is your jpeg really a "jpeg" ? (sometimes, a file could have the wrong type file, for example, a png picture named name.jpg)


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11 Anni 1 Settimana fa - 11 Anni 1 Settimana fa #6653 da jengar
Hi Lyr!C,

small (170x127px) is no Problem. I have just tested it with a Big one (near 3MB cause i have had the Problem at the first Time i used ICAgenda in the past on my Site *g*). I have all Publishers send my "Thumbnaled" Pictures for using *g* But i know Murphy :) And in one Moment you don´t think what you do and klick a unsized Photo the Site is down :( I don´t know if the cleaning from browsercache really solved the Problem. If so that will only fix the actually Problem and not the Core *g*

The Infosite i have find but don´t know where i have to look for !


Edit : End NO -> It is an JPG-File :p
Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 1 Settimana fa da jengar.

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11 Anni 3 giorni fa #6673 da Lyr!C

I've tested on my server with 8mo picture without issue or trouble.

In information search for "max_file_uploads" and "memory_limit" B)

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11 Anni 1 Giorno fa #6700 da jengar
Hello there,

max_file_upload is 20
memory-limit ist 120M

Now running on Joomla 3.2.3 , ICAgenda 3.3 and K2 2.6.8

What a Update Week for now *ggg*


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10 Anni 11 Mesi fa #6717 da Lyr!C

jengar ha scritto: Hello there,

max_file_upload is 20
memory-limit ist 120M

Now running on Joomla 3.2.3 , ICAgenda 3.3 and K2 2.6.8

What a Update Week for now *ggg*


Strange... Still the problem ?...

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10 Anni 11 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 11 Mesi fa #7005 da jengar
The Problem is still there ...... But i have noticed, that i have the Problem with the JCK Editor, too. If i try to resize a big Picture directly with the Image Manager).

After some time of Search i think i have the Answer. It´s could come from my Provider, cause there the Memory Limit will override to (i think) 45 oder 64 MB (elseway what you have in the Joomla settings). So only the Admins could set it higher. I would try to contact the Hotline next week. Have a look ath the Error message and you will find many things *ggg*.

Greets from Germany and ha a nice Weekend

P.S.: I have try to edit the php.ini ;)

Edit : Here are the Limits ......

Pakage / Memory Limit

Starter / 30 MB
Basic / 60 MB
Unlimited / 80 MB
Unlimited Plus / 128 MB
Unlimited Plus (4GB) / 256 MB

I Think i have the Starterpakage (cause it is a very Old one from year 2000 with an other Nameing *ggg*) with 30MB Limit or the Basic with 60 (cause its allocated iver 60MB in the Errormessage). And the only thing i can do is to change to the next upper Pakage or search another Hoster ..... Is there any chance to test / Controll the Memory_limit without the Hotline of the Provider ?

So i come to my first Question. Sould it be possible to Limit the Picture (Datasize oder Pixelsize) within ICAgenda ? That would be great !!!!

Thanks for your Patience
Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 11 Mesi fa da jengar.

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10 Anni 11 Mesi fa #7013 da Lyr!C

as you have an issue with extensions using GD library to resize picture, there's maybe a limitation on your server about this php functions.

As you said, it is an old hoster, so this could be a reason (web has evolved, and limitations aren't the same today)

Is there any chance to test / Controll the Memory_limit without the Hotline of the Provider ?

Asking them! ;-)
Or check in Joomla information (admin side). You have all server information.

So i come to my first Question. Sould it be possible to Limit the Picture (Datasize oder Pixelsize) within ICAgenda ? That would be great !!!!

Yes, this could be an idea. But do you have tested by changing limitation size in Joomla media manager ? (as iCagenda is using joomla core function to upload pictures, so you may be able to add a restriction of size in media manager global options).
Keep me informed if it's working!

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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