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[IN DEV.] Today's Events List not working

  • KateAnna
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10 Anni 9 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa #6885 da KateAnna
[IN DEV.] Today's Events List not working è stato creato da KateAnna
congratulations for the product because it is relly beautiful!
I have a problem with the event list for "today's events", though. I guess it must be due to some time zone problem, since I live in Italy (and I chenged the settings accordingly in Joomla's global configuration) while the component is probably set by default on somewhere else...
Anyway, what's strange is that, after changing the settings in the server's location settings, the calendar module seems to recognize the actual date, but the menu item "today's" list doesn't. Clicking on it, it doesn't show anything even if the calendar does.
... What can I do to solve the problem?

Thank you very much (and sorry if my english is not perfect)
Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [IN DEV.]

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10 Anni 9 Mesi fa #6933 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Today's Events List not working

Yes, you're right, it is an issue with the timezone!
I'm currently working on it, to solve this, and will integrate a fix in the next release 3.3.3 when ready!

The calendar is having a special script to set today's visitor day, but in fact, the list of events is having an issue, which i didn't see before, in reason of missing timezone (from joomla config, or user if set) in SQL request, as in php, default is GMT.

Thank you for your patience!
Whish you a nice week-end,

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