kewwel ha scritto: Hello, I would like the title of the event was no link. How to do this?
I do not want to display the contents of the event, only one page that would show all events.
Another detail, just to understand if I want to change my mind:
How to display the fields city and country within the event?
These fields appear only in the event listing.
If you have a minimum skill in php/html, you can create a custom theme pack, and so, change information display in the list view (remove <a> tags, add city country or else...)
Note: to create a custom theme pack based on already existed one, you can download the zip theme here :
Then, unzip the archive, and replace all name of the theme by your name, in file and folder name as well as inside files content (note that some free software could do it with 1 or 2 click, such as massReplaceIt on Mac)
For example, replace
ic_rounded by
my_theme_name everywhere.
Then after, zip the main folder, and install it via iCagenda Theme Pack installer (inside iCagenda component!).
Another help, but with an older version of iCagenda so not updated, is the tutorial video made by Guisebos :