Hi guys
I made the W3C validation (
validator.w3.org) and discovered
two small errors:
1. In the lists of events (standard theme) there is a wrong "alt" tag within an <a> - Block:
<a href="/vereinsinfos/events-2015/37-sportweekend"
It is located in default_events.php (\com_icagenda\themes\packs\default\default_events.php) on line 81 in iCagenda 3.4.1
I justed changed this line from
<a href="<?php echo $EVENT_URL; ?>" alt="<?php echo $EVENT_TITLE; ?>">
<a href="<?php echo $EVENT_URL; ?>">
and now the validator is happy and everything is still working as expected
2. The second bug seems to be an not proper <p></p> combination. The validator says:
Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.
I guess I could locate the source:
function isListOfEvents() in file /administrator/components/com_icagenda/utilities/events/events.php on line 90
Not completley sure about that, but a good start I think...
Kind Regards
BTW: ICagenda is a great extension and I hope you guys keep going with it