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Archived events

  • nemanjaus
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9 Anni 9 Mesi fa #9632 da nemanjaus
Archived events è stato creato da nemanjaus
is there any way to display Archived events as Past events?
Whenever I put one Past event to archive it disapear from the list!


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  • Lyr!C
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9 Anni 9 Mesi fa #9641 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Archived events

Yes, archived is mostly a admin option today, not a frontend one.
But if you want to display a list of past events, you can do it automatically bu using the filter by dates (Upcoming, past... events).

In the future, i will create a menu type to allow to display a list of archive events, but archive events won't be displayed in the list of events, as it is for joomla articles (as archive is first a admin option)

Hope this answers your question,

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9 Anni 9 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 9 Mesi fa #9658 da nemanjaus
Risposta da nemanjaus al topic Archived events
Thanks for fast reply,
I underestand filtering by dates (Upcoming, past... events)...
I have problem with huge amunt of events in admin/icagenda/events...At this moment about 100 future and 100 past events. Its very confusing to hold all of them in one place, cause Its very hard to manage with all of them. The only way to remove past events from the event list is to archive or unpublish them. Is it posible, in the future, to allow arcived events to be displayed as "past events"?

P.S. Is it any way to set filter to display "Today and upcoming events" instead of "Dates"? That would help.
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 9 Mesi fa da nemanjaus.

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  • Lyr!C
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9 Anni 9 Mesi fa #9698 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Archived events

In the menu options, it is already possible to display only the today and upcoming events! (as i did on the demo website).

So, i don't really understand your issue... In frontend list, you can display only upcoming, and so not display the past events, all this automatically!


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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