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[SOLVED][Siteground : jSGCache plg] Submit Event Page showing errors BEFORE a new event is submitted

  • acluck
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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10602 da acluck
Hello, Great extension!

I am trying to create a page where a registered user can submit an event. The menu item goes to submit an event and it all looks good, EXCEPT there is an error at the top of the page for the required fields (see attachment), even before the user submits the form. The error stays on the page, even after the form is submitted (with all require fields filled in) and there is also a success message that the form was saved.

How can I make it so the error ONLY show up if the user submits the form and the required fields are blank?

Thanks in advance!
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 7 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [SOLVED]

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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10633 da Lyr!C

I've already seen such an issue, and it was due to another extension conflicting with the Joomla form validation script used by iCagenda.

Do you have an online link available to the form ?


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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10646 da acluck

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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10671 da acluck
The error seems to have gone away, perhaps it was a cache issue...HOWEVER, I really need for only Registered users to be able to add items to the calendar. When I enable this option is when I get the same errors (right after I login), so its still an issue.

Is there a way to send a private message with login info so you can take a look?


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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10684 da Lyr!C
You can send me a frontend access at info(at), but do you have check other extensions as i've already suggested ?

Thank you to check first if there's no conflict from another extension (plugin, template, module...), as iCagenda is using core login system and access control.

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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10729 da acluck
I sent the login info to the email address you provided.

I found that the error only happens when logged in. I am using native Joomla login. The error does not happen when not logged in.


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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10734 da Lyr!C

So the issue is with the plugin : System - jSGCache
This one returns a jform validation error in jquery.

The solution for this plugin (i think provided by Siteground ?) is to disable it, or to exclude the url to the form (as i've done directly on your admin side ;-) )

So, now, the validation control of your form is ok! (the conflict of this plugin is with joomla validation script... don't know why, but maybe to be investigated...)

EDIT : well... this plugin doesn't do the job to exclude forms, so you have to edit the url option for dynamic content (forms and every dynamic content... ) :
For SiteGround customers, with the same issue, check if an update exists for jSGCache to exclude forms (JForm), or please, report this issue to your Hoster SiteGround. ;-)

Best Regards,

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Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 7 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.

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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10735 da acluck
Thank you so much! I did not even realize that Siteground had included this plugin with their install.

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9 Anni 7 Mesi fa #10740 da Lyr!C

Thank you so much! I did not even realize that Siteground had included this plugin with their install.

Yes, and it's good to know, because all extensions using forms seems to have the same issue, so don't know if siteground has already updated their plugin to manage this or not, but with options settings, it's possible to exclude form pages ;-)

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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