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[ROADMAP] Custom Field Help

  • jrthor2
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9 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 5 Mesi fa #11012 da jrthor2
[ROADMAP] Custom Field Help è stato creato da jrthor2
I added a new custom field and selected the parent form as the event form. Now, when I create a new event, or edit an existing one, my custom field shows up. But, I cannot get this custom field to show up in my custom email that is set up. And actually, when the mail is sent, the text and custom field "slug" i put in the email don't show up anywhere in the email. I added the below to my email:

Cost: [COST]

I assume this is what the "slug" can be used for? Or, if not, how do I get my custom field to show up in the registration emails?

Also, I am updating the text for the emails in the Registration tab on the Options page, and none of the text I put in for "
Custom Email if registered to event over a period (from... to...)" or "Custom Email if registered to a single date" shows up in the email that is sent out. It's sending the default message that is there.

Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 5 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [ROADMAP]

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9 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 5 Mesi fa #11013 da jrthor2
Risposta da jrthor2 al topic Custom Field Help
Ok, I figured out why the custom email was not getting sent.

But, if I add a custom field to an event form, how can I include that field in my custom email? I added a "Cost" custom field, with a slug of "cost". i thought I could put this in my custom email "Cost: [COST]", but that is not working, it just displays exactly that in my email when it is sent.

Also, my event is set up for 2 different days at 6:00PM, and when the email gets sent, the "Period" displays like this:
"Period: from Wednesday, November 30, -0001 - 12:00 AM to Wednesday, November 30, -0001 - 12:00 AM"

If someone could help me, that would be great!


Ok, well, i think I figured out that the custom fields you create will only show up in the email if they are assigned to the Registration Parent Form, but what if I want to include a custom field in my Event Parent Form? For example, I want to set the price for an event while creating the event, but I also want to include the cost in the email to the customer?

Thanks again if anyone can help.
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 5 Mesi fa da jrthor2.

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9 Anni 5 Mesi fa #11020 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Custom Field Help

Today, there's no function to include only one selected custom field.

But you can include all custom fields by using the tag [CUSTOMFIELDS].
It will generate the list of not empty custom fields, like this :
Cost : 10€
Other Field : value

About date issue, do you have updated to the latest version 3.5.11, as a bug about dates was fixed in the latest release...

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Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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9 Anni 5 Mesi fa #11027 da jrthor2
Risposta da jrthor2 al topic Custom Field Help
I do have the latest version.

The custom fields only show in the email if they are assigned to the Registration form, not if they are assigned to the Event form. So the cost of an event is setup while adding the event, it's not a field on the registration form for the user to fill in.


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9 Anni 5 Mesi fa #11037 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Custom Field Help

The custom fields only show in the email if they are assigned to the Registration form, not if they are assigned to the Event form. So the cost of an event is setup while adding the event, it's not a field on the registration form for the user to fill in.

Oh sorry, yes my previous answer was "stupid"... :silly:

So, unfortunately, it's not yet planned to be able to include event details in the registration notification email...
But this is something i will consider for future improvement, as i'm currently in process for a long list of new functionnalities for registration system!

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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