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[New feature of 3.6.0] Problem with erratic behaviour in multi date event.

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9 Anni 2 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 2 Mesi fa #11292 da LPG
Last week we used for the first time the ability to add an event with mutiple dates. I wish we had not, because it turned out to be a complete mess.

The very strange thing is; if a customer clicks on the second or higher event in the series to register, the pull-down field with the date defaults to the FIRST date. Most customers did not notice this erratic behaviour. They had clicked on the right date in the first place, so they did not expect or notice that in the following screen the FIRST data was selected by default (instead of the one they had clicked on in the first place!). It therefore turned out that we got many. many registrations for the first date that were indeed meant to be for one of the later dates.

We had to throw away the events and make new seperate events to prevent these problems. Later on we had to manually combine those with the first batch. Furthermore we had to mail or call all people who had enlisted for the first date event to ask them what their real intentions were. A great many people wanted to register for one of the later events and had overlooked the default first date in the pull-down field.

I hope this can be repaired soon. Until then, I would recommend to make seperate entries.
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 2 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.

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9 Anni 2 Mesi fa #11299 da Lyr!C

You're right, and this is already solved in my dev version (the next major 3.6.0 which i plan to release before end of year if test period go fast, with alpha1 available for Pro users by the end of November).

So yes, today, keep using one date per event if you want to prevent this issue.
The next 3.6.0, with its new refactoried frontend, will check the date clicked, and auto select by default this date.
Later, i will see to add more option, as to display only the selected date.

In fact, many improvements were done in the past, and much more will come in a near future and later! ;-)

Thank you for your patience!

Best Regards,

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11313 da LPG
Hi Cyrill,

Good to hear it will be fixed. Until then we will use seperate events..

Best wishes,

Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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