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[SOLVED] Import of events from another site using iCagenda

  • aballhaus
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9 Anni 2 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11595 da aballhaus
a customer has 2 sites with icagenda and the same events. How I can mange this?
Copy the table with MSQL or are there other ways?

Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 1 Mese fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [SOLVED]

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11617 da Lyr!C

Yes today the only way is to use PhpAdmin to export/import selected database.
If you have the same categories, custom fields and features, you can export/import only events table.
You will need too, to transfert images and attachments from one site to other one.

In the future, i will see to create a export/import function, with data and files attached (don't know yet how i will develop this, and how it will work), but not sure i will be able this year, as already so much things in process or planned later in 2016!

Note that if the 2 sites are not so different : with Joomla, and a third party extension, you can easily have one admin to manage 2 different sites. This way, iCagenda is manage only in one place, and events are the same on the 2 sites (or more) managed by the single admin.
I have tested one day Virtual Domains for joomla (free), and this one was working very well (i was able to set up a multi-domains site with one joomla admin in 3 minutes!). This is maybe a solution to take into consideration for your client ?

Hope this helps ?

Best Regards,

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa - 9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11665 da aballhaus
Risposta da aballhaus al topic Import of events from another site using iCagenda
Hi Cyril,
thanks for your extended answer. I solve it with the wrapper and show there a special site without menues, headers and so on.
The best of this solution is: the responsive template for handys and tablets is working fine.

Best regards
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 1 Mese fa da aballhaus.

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11688 da Lyr!C

About wrapper, do you have tested the url with ?tmpl=component added at the end ? (this allow to display only main content, and not the modules or else... ;-)

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11696 da aballhaus
Risposta da aballhaus al topic Import of events from another site using iCagenda
Hi Cyril,
I think I did so first, maybe with another component. But I get the information "Not allowed". I think its blocked in the .htacess by setting ReWrite "ON" .
For the security it is better to establish a special menue, its not so complicated with copy and paste. ;-)
Thanks for your answers.
By the way, today I need the option to show a single event by ID in the module. Haven't found it. Is this possible only by creating a new category?

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11707 da Lyr!C

Yes, you're right, in some cases (Admin Tools default options) ?tmpl=component could be protected.
But everyone can set options for htaccess as he wants and/or needs it to be... ;-)

By the way, today I need the option to show a single event by ID in the module. Haven't found it. Is this possible only by creating a new category?

It is planned to be able to create a menu item link to the details view of an event (in the 3.6.x series).
When you mean module, do you mean module iC Event List of the pro version ?


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11716 da aballhaus
Risposta da aballhaus al topic Import of events from another site using iCagenda
Yes - Module-Eventlist and Pro-Version .
I have made a shot.
Thanks for your answer
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11736 da Lyr!C

So, not yet possible, but i've planned it in my todo list for future, as an new module for Pro version (or a new option for the iC Event List module).

If your pro subscription is active, don't hesitate to open a new pro ticket with this request, as i can maybe help you to find a solution today to do it (with a custom layout, and some specific settings ;-) )

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11756 da aballhaus
Risposta da aballhaus al topic Import of events from another site using iCagenda
thanks for your offer! But it is easy to solve the "problem" to show a single event: Making a new categorie with these Event in it.
It is not necessary to make a ticket about it. The import by csv is more urgent.
Best regards
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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