This information is using the [AUTHOREMAIL] which one is the email address of the joomla user who has created the event.
So the mail
Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. is the one you will find in the user profile.
If you want to change and customize this notification email, you have 2 ways :
- Create your custom email notification (useful when only one language).
- Or create a language string override for strings COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_USER_PERIOD_DEFAULT_BODY and COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_USER_DATE_DEFAULT_BODY using the Joomla core system to override strings :
(there in the string content, you can replace [AUTHOREMAIL] by another tag, or directly write the email address).
Hope this helps ?
Best regards,