iCagenda - English
won't find pics
won't find pics
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7 Anni 1 Settimana fa #15297
da iceberg
i'm trying to navigate to where the pictures i have are stored and they all show up as broken links, or that graphic that represents a broken link to a pic. i can even upload via icagenda and it still won't find it. in using my ark media i can find all media where it says it is without issue.
any idea what else i need to look for?
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7 Anni 5 giorni fa #15302
da Lyr!C
When you say "Ark media" do you mean it's a feature of the "Ark Editor" ? (sorry, i know this extension, but didn't have used/tested it since a long time
If yes, maybe the issue could be in the directory settings for "images"...
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7 Anni 5 giorni fa #15303
da iceberg
It was a different editor I had with the wrong path. Not the product at all. Now can I make the picture bigger in the display?
Www.renegaderadio.net. Would like say 1 to show but give a bigger pic n more bio. Otherwise it's fine. The repeat solution worked just fine.
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7 Anni 3 giorni fa #15312
da Lyr!C
Great you found the editor wrong setting!
About size, it seems you mean in module Pro iC Event List ? (don't hesitate to use pro tickets support for faster and advanced support
So, you can change settings for thumbnail "x-small". This is the one used in module iC Event List.
To change thumbnails options, you can go to Global Options of component, in the "General Settings" tab.
Hope this helps ?
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
won't find pics
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