iCagenda - English
Uploading module - Stupid question
Uploading module - Stupid question
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6 Anni 11 Mesi fa #15477
da euevents
Dear friends,
After the last update of Joomla and ICagenda, we wanted to reactivate the possibility for other users to upload their events on their own. It was not working any longer in the past and we have replaced it with a manual procedure.
Yet, the IT we are paying does not have a clue and would like to have the name of the module in question, although we do remember it was simply part of ICAgenda as such.
Would you have any clue for this stoopid question?
EU Events team
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6 Anni 11 Mesi fa #15480
da Lyr!C
Create a new menu item, and select type : "iCagenda > Submit an event"
That's all (and adjust menu item options as you need it)
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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6 Anni 11 Mesi fa #15483
da euevents
Sorry, I have been really not clear. I meant a window on the homepage to allow registered users to upload their events without having full access to our backend.
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6 Anni 11 Mesi fa #15487
da Lyr!C
This is what i meant:
- Create a menu item in admin of type "Submit an Event"
- The menu link (page) will display the submission form in frontend.
If you mean in a module position, and not in main content, so you will need an extension such as "component anywhere" to be able to integrate this page (menu item) inside a custom module.
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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iCagenda - English
Uploading module - Stupid question
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