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[SOLVED: 3.7.2] How can I select the google map type?

  • Lyr!C
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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15725 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic How can I select the google map type?

Thanks for useful feedback!

Space is not an issue for Google Maps on modern browsers who will auto-convert space to %20
But yes, i've forgotten to add the url encoding to set the url properly. (both for event rendering as for javascript uri.)

In the attached version 3.7.2-dev2, i've added the needed encoded! ;-)

Also the "#10;								" part is a bit strange.

In fact, all this part "xxx
								&" is weird...

Is it possible to get an online link to check this, as maybe this encoding is processed by another third party extension (template, security extension) hidding/masking the credentials ?...

And could you check if still the strange key rendering with dev2 ?

Thank you!

Best regards,

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Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.

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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15745 da RichardEb
Risposta da RichardEb al topic How can I select the google map type?
Sry for the late reply. Was very busy the last week. I can give you the url on a private channel. How can I contact you? (Mail, PM-System, ...?)(Not needed anymore, pls see next post)

The encoding works fine now. Maybe another problem: I have updated from 3.7.2-dev to 3.7.2 . This resetted the "Maps Service" from embed to Javascript. This shouldn't happen in future releases as this can be a cause for very high costs!
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa da RichardEb.

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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15746 da RichardEb
Risposta da RichardEb al topic How can I select the google map type?
I just reviewed your code and found the cause of the whitespace bug. Your code looks like this(googlemaps.php):
src="' . trim($embedKey) . '
								&q=' . urlencode(strip_tags($item->address)) . '" allowfullscreen>

As you can see you added whitespaces within the php string tags. It should look like this:
src="' . trim($embedKey) . '&q=' . urlencode(strip_tags($item->address)) . '" allowfullscreen>

This will solve your problem.

I repost this so you don't overlook it:

Maybe another problem: I have updated from 3.7.2-dev to 3.7.2 . This resetted the "Maps Service" from embed to Javascript. This shouldn't happen in future releases as this can be a cause for very high costs!
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa da RichardEb.

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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15748 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic How can I select the google map type?

I just reviewed your code and found the cause of the whitespace bug. Your code looks like this(googlemaps.php):

src="' . trim($embedKey) . '
								&q=' . urlencode(strip_tags($item->address)) . '" allowfullscreen>

As you can see you added whitespaces within the php string tags. It should look like this:
src="' . trim($embedKey) . '&q=' . urlencode(strip_tags($item->address)) . '" allowfullscreen>

This will solve your problem.

Thanks for this report, i will review it for next 3.7.3

But the google maps is still working even with the php space... so where is the problem for you ?

Maybe another problem: I have updated from 3.7.2-dev to 3.7.2 . This resetted the "Maps Service" from embed to Javascript. This shouldn't happen in future releases as this can be a cause for very high costs!

=> this is because of the default setting from update to 3.7.2 from version before 3.7.2 (dev is acting there as a previous version to 3.7.2, and not officially released :-) ). So the script to update setting for older version than 3.7.2 won't run anymore later ;-)

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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15754 da RichardEb
Risposta da RichardEb al topic How can I select the google map type?

Lyr!C ha scritto:
But the google maps is still working even with the php space... so where is the problem for you ?

I don't have any. Just wanted to help to improve your code.
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 7 Mesi fa da RichardEb.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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  • Lyr!C
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6 Anni 7 Mesi fa #15757 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic How can I select the google map type?
Thanks! ;-)

Strange that you don't have any with not this change... (i've seen a few other sites than mines since embed introduced, and none with display issue...)

In all cases, i will integrate the change for next 3.7.3 (after my vacation... i'm on road! ;-) )

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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