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registration member count limit

  • Artomiano
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4 Anni 2 Mesi fa #17222 da Artomiano
registration member count limit è stato creato da Artomiano

I tried your calendar today for the first time. Great plugin so far. ;)
I have one small wish: I times of corona, on all events it is necessary to count registered people. So it would be extremly helpful if we could set not only a maximum number of people per event but show the actual count on the registration page. The customer can not see if there are enough free registration places. A "real registration counter" would be great.

AND: We have three rooms (for video broadcasting). I created three user defined fields and put it into a group called "rooms". So the customer can register for a special room. But here's the same like above - there is no visual information for the customer if there are enough free places. And for me: I can not set a maximum number of registrations (peoples) per user defined field (this means: "rooms" in my case).

I hope you can follow me. ;)
What I need in short:
1st: a counter that shows the actual registered people - on the registration form (e.g. 10 of 50 still free)
2nd: the same feature do I need in the user defined fields, if I created them for registrations in different rooms.

Can you do this ... maybe in 3.8? ;)


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  • Lyr!C
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4 Anni 1 Mese fa #17234 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic registration member count limit

Thank you! B)

I have one small wish: I times of corona, on all events it is necessary to count registered people. So it would be extremly helpful if we could set not only a maximum number of people per event but show the actual count on the registration page. The customer can not see if there are enough free registration places. A "real registration counter" would be great.

It is currently indicated in event details information and in modules, but do you mean to see it in registration form page?

AND: We have three rooms (for video broadcasting). I created three user defined fields and put it into a group called "rooms". So the customer can register for a special room. But here's the same like above - there is no visual information for the customer if there are enough free places. And for me: I can not set a maximum number of registrations (peoples) per user defined field (this means: "rooms" in my case).

What is in my current dev todo list is multiple ticket type ( with individual number of tickets). This is work in progress, and may be a pro version option. Maybe not ready for first 3.8.0 version, but later in the serie.

I hope this answers your questions?

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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  • Artomiano
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4 Anni 1 Mese fa - 4 Anni 1 Mese fa #17240 da Artomiano
Risposta da Artomiano al topic registration member count limit

Lyr!C ha scritto: It is currently indicated in event details information and in modules, but do you mean to see it in registration form page?


What is in my current dev todo list is multiple ticket type ( with individual number of tickets). This is work in progress, and may be a pro version option. Maybe not ready for first 3.8.0 version, but later in the serie.

This multiple ticket type could work. I hope so. Btw. I am a pro user, so it's not that problem. ;)

Ultima Modifica 4 Anni 1 Mese fa da Artomiano.

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  • Lyr!C
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4 Anni 1 Mese fa #17245 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic registration member count limit
Hello Tom,

So if you have pro subscription, don't hesitate to open a new pro ticket, so that we could be in touch ;-)

And maybe possible a little hack to display number of tickets availables in registration form with a custom override, until i check to code it officially (good idea!)

Thank you! B)

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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