It would be very useful to be able to show all events for the entire year. I'm not certain which layout would be best, 12 Monthly blocks (using the current monthly display in a 4x3 grid). 12 rows of dates, etc, and I am certain that it would be useful to select the starting month, such as the academic year September to August.
It would also be very useful for users to be able to select which categories of events they would like presented to them.
In fact, it's already possible with module position.
For example, create one module for each month.
For each ones, set "Loading on date" option on the 1 day of the month.
And disable navigation for months and years).
Set a "fictive" position for each module ( for example: january_2023, february_2023... )
Then, in a new Joomla article, use the loadposition tag, this way :
{loadposition january_2023} {loadposition february_2023} and so on...
Hope this helps ?
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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