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[SOLVED] Calendar module looks different in Chrome and Internet Explorer

  • Mark21
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12 Anni 3 Settimane fa - 12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2659 da Mark21
I use the IC_rounded theme but the calendar module look different in Chrome as it does in Internet Explorer and i don't understand why and how to solve it. In Chrome there is a little empty space between the days and in Internet Explorer I believe it looks correct. I added images to show what i mean.

And then I have an other problem:
I'd like to have two pages that display a list of the events. One of these pages is public and shows only one category and the other page is only visible after logging in and shows all categories. But when i klik in the tooltip of the calendar module on an event that is displayed on the public page and on the page you have to log in for, it asks me to log in in stead of showing the event page. How can I make sure that I'll go to the right page?
Ultima Modifica 12 Anni 2 Settimane fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [SOLVED]

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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2670 da Lyr!C
About Google Chrome, i have myself not this problem of space, so it can may be you site template... ?

About list of events, the calendar links to the first menu item ID. So, the first menu item to iCagenda must be the one that is public, and the second menu item ID must be the private one.
I think like this, it can works...
Keep me informed! ;)

In the future, i will add an option to link a module calendar, to a specific menu, so it will be more easy to manage multiple menu links to iCagenda B)

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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2671 da Mark21
Thank you very much!
The public page indeed was the page with the last ID so I changed both pages and now it works perfect!

And about Google Chrome, I changed the template to the standard Beez2 template and than everything looks normal. But when I use my own template (created by Artisteer) there is this space again. I have not yet found were this comes from but I will take another look.

And if you have any ideas please keep me posted ;)

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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2673 da Lyr!C
Artisteer... ok! Not always perfect with this...

So, calendar use table tags so, look in your css of your template.

You may have somewhere :

table or td or tr or th {
padding : Xpx;

You can find the reason too using firebug, or Google Chrome element inspector (right click on a page)

If your site is online, with a link, i can may be tell you where the problem comes from! ;)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2675 da Mark21
Yes the site is now temporarily online on this LINK and almost ready to launch.

Now i'm working on my own theme for the module because ic_rounded is almost impossible to read on my template and i was wondering, is it possible to give de days from the previous and next month that are visible in the module a color to fill up the empty space?

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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2678 da Lyr!C

Mark21 ha scritto: Yes the site is now temporarily online on this LINK and almost ready to launch.

Now i'm working on my own theme for the module because ic_rounded is almost impossible to read on my template and i was wondering, is it possible to give de days from the previous and next month that are visible in the module a color to fill up the empty space?

I don't have found where is the css line which add space between cases....

About calendar background, you can add background-color: #FFFFFF; to the class .iccalendar

This will be an option in module params soon B)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2682 da Mark21
Oke thanks for your help!

I will take a look at it and if i find a way to remove the space i will let you know :)

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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2684 da Lyr!C

Mark21 ha scritto: Oke thanks for your help!

I will take a look at it and if i find a way to remove the space i will let you know :)

I'm trying too, to solve this spaces with some site templates...

If you find before me, thanks to keep me informed! ;)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2692 da Lyr!C
I will add a fix in next version ! ;)

(a cellspacing="0" missing in the code...)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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12 Anni 2 Settimane fa #2698 da Mark21
Great! Thank you! :)

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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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