iCagenda - English
Sync with Outlook365
Sync with Outlook365
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1 Anno 3 Mesi fa #18361
da TschoTscho
I am happy to be able to use Icagenda. Is a synchronization with Outlook 365 initiated or planned?
Best regards
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1 Anno 3 Mesi fa #18372
da Lyr!C
Hello Johannes,
I don't have any project about this (i will maybe for Google Calendar...).
To be honest, i don't know if and how it is possible with Outlook 365 and as i'm not using it, i don't have enough insights.
Maybe an api exists for this?
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1 Anno 5 giorni fa #18484
da TschoTscho
Maybe with caldav or ical?
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C
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11 Mesi 3 Settimane fa #18495
da Lyr!C
For sure, when i will check about it, it will be with ical (as i'm a mac user, so easier to work with tools i use).
But until now, nothing planned about this (i have many things to work on before, so i don't thing i can before version 5...)
Best regards,
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iCagenda - English
Sync with Outlook365
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