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(Resolved) formatting color and thumbnails

  • yogasand
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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa - 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #12289 da yogasand
(Resolved) formatting color and thumbnails è stato creato da yogasand
Firstly, Ive been using ICagenda for a long while and its excellent. I have just updated to the latest release 3.5.17

I have the following issue and i was hoping you might advise on a possible cause (i have tried and investigated everything)

If i select the 'default theme pack' I have no thumbnails for the events although the thumbnails are created and the text formatting looks ok.

If I select the 'ic_rounded thing pack' the thumbnails are not visible the text is merged with the background color

I would welcome any comments or suggestions on possible causes or solutions

This seems related to Theme packs and that is why ive posted in this section
Ultima Modifica 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa da yogasand.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: daikaadsteve

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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa - 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #12295 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic formatting color and thumbnails

In fact, the Theme Packs area of this forum is most for people you want help to create a custom theme pack ;-)

The fact the Default theme pack does not show thumbs in list is normal, as this one theme is with no image (one day, i will redo all the theme packs system, and use only one default theme, which will be a mix of default and ic_rounded, but with options to set or not the image, date, info, background... ;-) )

But, when looking at your site, i see the thumbnails (you are using ic_rounded theme) and no display issues...

IS it ok so ? It was maybe just a cache issue ?

Note: about the content font-color, in the main list of events, just add this css declarations in the Custom CSS option of iCagenda (Global Options > General Settings > options for custom CSS at the bottom):
.ic-content { color: #d4d4d4; }
You will see that it is better ;-)

Best Regards,

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Ultima Modifica 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: yogasand

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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #12296 da yogasand
Risposta da yogasand al topic formatting color and thumbnails
Hello Cyril, I am awed for the prompt reply and clear explanation and help. Perfect.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #12335 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic formatting color and thumbnails
You're welcome! ;-)


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.10
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