[SOLVED] RECaptcha dosen´t apear on form event and causes an error on submit
[SOLVED] RECaptcha dosen´t apear on form event and causes an error on submit
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9 Anni 1 Mese fa - 9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11786
da lmatos
If i test de registration option of the events iCagenda with the Recaptcha option enabled, but it dosen´t apear to the user.
Whem de form is submited the message error "Solution to captcha not correct" apear.
In another modules forms like JSN Uniforms the recaptcha is being in use with success.
The configurations is Joomla! 2.5.8 and iCagenda™ PRO v
Need some help to solve it.
Liliana Matos.
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 1 Mese fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [SOLVED]
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9 Anni 1 Mese fa #11864
da Lyr!C
First, for Pro Users (as said in my other answer to another of your message) it's better to use the pro support for a faster response...
BUT! :
- first update your Joomla (2.5.8 is not a Joomla updated, but really recommended to upgrade to Joomla 3 as soon as possible!)
- Don't use an old version of iCagenda (2 years old!). THe latest is 3.5.14, and many bugs, issues and improvements were done since the iCagenda 3.4.0!
So keeping an extension updated is often a way to solve issue!
Best Regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.10
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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9 Anni 3 Settimane fa #11868
da lmatos
I know that the version i have installed is not the most recent, because i have try to upgrade to a new version but with the upgrade the option list events dosen´t work and i have to roolback.
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9 Anni 3 Settimane fa #11875
da Lyr!C
lmatos ha scritto: I know that the version i have installed is not the most recent, because i have try to upgrade to a new version but with the upgrade the option list events dosen´t work and i have to roolback. 
And do you have opened a Pro ticket ?
If yes, i may have given you a version with a patch for module iC Event List
Best Regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.10
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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[SOLVED] RECaptcha dosen´t apear on form event and causes an error on submit
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