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Fonts displayed

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2 Anni 11 Mesi fa - 2 Anni 11 Mesi fa #17542 da antonis
Fonts displayed è stato creato da antonis
I am using the module and I am very happy with it. I am using greek language but in some cases I have to use latin characters as well. The problem is that the fonts are different. The greek fonts are displayed as expected but the latin fonts are not the same


A sample is here included. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Ultima Modifica 2 Anni 11 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.

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2 Anni 11 Mesi fa #17549 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Fonts displayed

This is related to the font used by your site template.

Some font polices don't manage the same way different character sets.

So, you have to find a font that will work the same way for latin and greek characters...

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2 Anni 11 Mesi fa #17551 da antonis
Risposta da antonis al topic Fonts displayed
Thanks for the reply. But not sure that I understood it. When I prepare an article I know that I can select the font I want. Using the ICagenda (the free edition) when I am using the control panel to enter the events I don't think that I have the option to define which font I would like to use. I believe that the font selected are some how hard coded. I haven't found a way that I may use the fonts I would like. Probably I am missing something. Can you give me a hint please?

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2 Anni 11 Mesi fa #17552 da Lyr!C
Risposta da Lyr!C al topic Fonts displayed
This is not a font you can manage in article (which is manage by editor).

This is the global font used in the style of your site template.

Maybe check options of your site template, as often an option to change the font used (google font or else).

Hope this helps?


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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