iCagenda - Other Languages
Something wrong with dates
Something wrong with dates
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #872
da sixi
Dear Admin,
First i wanna tell you component is awesome something i looked for for a long time!
Now i have events added with multiple dates but its set in the wrong order so the next even is not the one with the soonest date but with the highest dat. I add 2 screenshots so you can see!
Some features for the future:
- Different times on different dates
- Frontend adding
- Maybe so driving directions?
Thanks Marco
Ultima Modifica 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa da jowe3.
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #878
da Lyr!C
it's seems strange...
Which version have you install ?
Can you give me a link to your site, or a screen of your front-end with the event list page and calendar ?
About feature 1 and 2, i'm working on it, and will come in the future release (maybe not the next one, but in less than a month i hope... if everythings is going ok with the test and dev!
And, what do you mean by "driving directions" ?
Thanks !
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #880
da sixi
I have joomla 2.5.7 and iCagenda 1.2.5
Herebye some screenshots!
Driving directions in the google map
Ultima Modifica 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa da sixi.
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #881
da sixi
Ultima Modifica 12 Anni 5 Mesi fa da sixi.
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #883
da Lyr!C
Are you testing online on distant server, or on localhost ?
Have you try to re-enter the dates, and re-registered the event ?
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #894
da Lyr!C
Where is the event list ? (sorry, i don't speak Dutch...)
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #895
da Lyr!C
I've move the topic to Dutch forum
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #896
da sixi
It's only for registered now you can login on the right top with user: guest and pass: guest.
Then you will see Agenda in the menu
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12 Anni 5 Mesi fa #898
da Lyr!C
have you published the module iC calendar ?
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iCagenda - Other Languages
Something wrong with dates
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