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[WISH LIST] iCagenda ROADMAP: Features & functions to come in future versions

  • WimDC
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il y a 8 ans 4 mois #12934 par WimDC
Hi Cyril,

maybe divide "information" in a "public"-part (visible for everyone) and a "hidden"-part (only visible for registrered users after login).
And if possible, make this 2 seperate fields, so I can include the hidden-information on AcyMailing listings with the AcyMailing-iCagenda-plugin.

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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  • Hedzer
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il y a 8 ans 4 mois #12935 par Hedzer
First off. I want to express my thanks regarding the development of ICagenda and the changes made to version 3.6

Working with the new version I have several suggestions for improvement.

Front end:

Search Filters in event list:
1: category selection: Is it possible to only include the categorys that are included in the options of this menu item instead of all the categories that are available to ICagenda.
2: Make it responsive, so the search button is obsolute. This way it is also possible to select multiple categories.

Front end ical export
I don't know if this have been mentioned before, but it would be amazing if users could download the event list and import it to their own calender.

Back end:
Is it possible to set the default event view to "show today and upcoming events"?

Registration: Is it possible to add a from ... to ... option, so it can be set in advance when registrations will open.

Acces levels on categories: I know it is possible to set acces levels for events. It would save time if the acces levels can be set for each category and that these setting are inhereted when a new event in this category is made.

Furthermore. Most events I make in a category share a lot of the information, like contact information, image etc. If a template event could be made for each category this information is automatically filled in. This can save quite some time for events that only change description, title and time.

Keep up the good work! and thank you for ICagenda. It's amazing.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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  • bellojo
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il y a 8 ans 4 mois #13057 par bellojo
Bonjour Cyril,

Manifestement ce composant est très bien mais pourrait être parfait à mes yeux si :
  1. L'edition d'un événement était possible en front-end
  2. la possiblilité de créer des événements répétitifs était disponible par exemple: Tous les 1° du mois, ou les 2ième ou 4ième mardi du mois, ...
  3. L'importation d'un calendrier Ical était possible

Merci pour tout

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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  • Dard333
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  • Julia | 13/04/1997
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il y a 8 ans 3 mois - il y a 8 ans 3 mois #13378 par Dard333

First thanks for this magnifix extension.

I would love to add a phisic calendar when you chose the date for an event in the public form. It would be very confortable to have a small calendar to select the days and the hour as you can do it in the administrator page in joomla,

Also comment that the searcher could be a module, to have the possibility to add better in the web. I would like too to have the possibility to have a google maps with all the events, ubicate under the searcher, and if you search with parameters then in the map only show the results of the search. It would be awesome and very useful.

Thanks! :D

Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 3 mois par Dard333. Raison: Improving my letter

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  • Dard333
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  • Julia | 13/04/1997
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il y a 8 ans 3 mois #13382 par Dard333
It would be nice to have the possibility to embed the calendar module. It could be possible?



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  • Dard333
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  • Julia | 13/04/1997
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13488 par Dard333

It would be nice if the "Back" link on the top of all events could be bigger than now.



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  • aikie
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13501 par aikie
It would be nice if you could add a search through the startdate and enddate in de admin view.
We use it a lot.


insert after line 204

' OR e.startdate LIKE ' . $search .
' OR e.enddate LIKE ' . $search .

many thanx,

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  • jjsjjs
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois - il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13543 par jjsjjs
Hi Cyril,

what really would be useful, and i don't know if it was asked before but,

1. To select/enter the Registration Deadline. Now you can only choose between start or end date. In some cases the deadline is like 2 weeks before start.

2. This one was requested before i think, to be able to select a Custom Field per event. Now you can do it per group, so that's a progression. But it is not always applicable per event in that group. Great, this is working as expected. I just did not get the working till now :woohoo:

Thanks for you hard work on one of the best additions to Joomla ! :)
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 2 mois par jjsjjs.

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  • drweb
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il y a 8 ans 1 mois - il y a 8 ans 1 mois #13689 par drweb
It would be nice if we could have the possibility to show a Google Maps with markers of the events.
Think of :
- a map with upcoming events,
- a map with all events,
- a map with upcoming events from a particular category,
- a map with all events from a particular category,
- ...

Example :

Kind regards,
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 1 mois par drweb.

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  • CampWest
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il y a 8 ans 1 semaine #13866 par CampWest
I could really use the opportunity to have a tree structure on the categories. So say you have a lot of different events e.g. music concerts with every type of music from Heavy Metal to classic music - it would be nice to be able to have some main category and sub categories. e.g. Rock as a main category and Heavy, Death Metal and Rock as sub categories, and another main category called POP with Soft POP, English POP, Russian POP as sub categories. The different categories could be used in the search module - for the end user to quickly find the right concert they would like.

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
Temps de génération de la page : 0.161 secondes


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