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[WISH LIST] iCagenda ROADMAP: Features & functions to come in future versions

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il y a 12 ans 3 semaines - il y a 12 ans 3 semaines #2643 par Lyr!C

lolozzr écrit: salut Cyril,

il serait intéressant d'ajouter la possibilité d'afficher la catégorie dans le popup de l'agenda, j'ai regardé la WISH LIST je ne pense pas avoir vu cela de prévu, merci

à bientôt, lolo

Ce sera expliqué dans la documentation sur la création et personnalisation d'un theme pack, dès que j'aurais un peu de temps... ;-)

En gros, dans le fichier d'un theme your_theme_day.php, pour prendre exemple sur le thème modifiable, le titre d'un évènement est appelé par :

Liste des champs disponibles :

title, url, image, address, city, place, description, cat_title (là, c'est le titre de la catégorie!), cat_color

En ouvrant le fichier, tu devrais comprendre.
La documentation, quand elle sera plus avancée, apportera un peu plus de lumière ;-)

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Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 3 semaines par Lyr!C.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: lolozzr

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il y a 12 ans 3 semaines #2644 par Lyr!C

haroim écrit: Thanks for this great component. It is not only extremely useful, but also very well designed. And when I see what you are still developing, it looks even better.

I noticed one feature which was missing from the list, which I believe would be a very valuable extension to the component: an RSS button and list, which list all the upcoming events (with category and link to image etc.). Would it be possible to add this in the near future?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, good idea! I'm not using rss, but i know that many people do, so i will think of how to implement it.
Thanks! B)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2652 par lolozzr
ok merci,

je vais donc attendre la doc, j'ai bien trouvé le fichier mais c'est du chinois pour moi :whistle:

@ plus, lolo

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2683 par mbryan
I see there is some development being looked into for a category image to use as default if no event image, but wondering if following possible -

(1) Event Header image (currently in use)
(2) Category image (in development)
(3) Event display image**

(4) A choice per event of which image to use for the event list

I am using to set up a motor sport website, and would like to have the event list display with either the category image (in my case would be the Championship logo) or a specific display picture (in this case a track map or event logo) that is different to the Event Image.

Also, is it possible to create a module similar to the event listing, that would
- expected to display between 180-250px wide
- list in order of next event
- include small display image (approx 32px square)
- event name and date

Final suggestion - I like having option for block dates, but is it possible to have option of showing times instead of just showing them as default?

Hope that all makes sense...otherwise, works pretty well (updated recently and will have to go and make manual adjustments to the calendar again to fit my module space)

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2685 par Lyr!C
@mbryan : some features will evolve version after version, but some can be edit when you make your own theme pack.
We have begin a documentation about that, and Giuseppe have done a first video tutorial on how to create your personal theme.

You may find in the exemple your_theme pack (look templates menu item of this site) some description to help you.

So, by editing a theme pack, you can add time where you want B)

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines - il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2702 par mario-g
Default path to images

Especially important when your users the ability to run an event to register via Frontend

Image folder split in two folders.

One for default images (so that only one user can choose a default stock image such as bingo, party, shopping)

and a directory for uploads (script makes the image after the event is deleted from server for data space saving)

Aministrator approves pre-registered events by user

Once a user logs an event, a notification to admin (Email) so that a notified event can approve for placement
Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 2 semaines par mario-g.

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2710 par mario-g
Links to external sites default open in _blank
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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2713 par Lyr!C

mario-g écrit: Links to external sites default open in _blank

This is in development in next version 2.1 ;)

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  • Abrakadabra
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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2715 par Abrakadabra
Hi There,
I’m a member of a dutch running club and building a new website. One of our “requirements” is a good event list / calendar. iCagenda is the best match too our demands, easy too use and a perfect support.
Still we have some “whishes” which, to our point of view ;) , could improve iCagenda.

Repeated events.
As running club we have weekly training events. Now I insert a training event for Tuesday, then I save as copy, update the date and so on 52 times for a year. Next I insert a training event for Wednesday and again copy it 52 times, etc.
It would be helpful if there was a repeat option with:
  • interval setting like: weekly, 4 weeks or monthly
  • the number of repeats
As the event and repeat options are set a script put all events in the event list. Once the events are put in the list each input is handled as a stand-alone event and can be edit, modified, delete etc. without affecting the other events.

An all-day event.
Possibility to enter an event without time setting, for instance an option to select “All day event”. This should blank the time in the information screen. Now I’m using the default setting 00:00 hour, but this is not as nice as blanking the time if not relevant.

List of registrations.
In the back-end one can find all registrations. A filter can be used to get a view for a certain event and the newsletter can be used to send information to those who register. However an option to print (or export) a list of those who register for a certain event is not available. As organizer of a training event a list of participants is very helpful.

Would be nice if one or more “whishes” fits in your development roadmap.

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #2716 par Lyr!C
Currently, i'm working on notification emails for registration.
Will be available in version 2.1, and first released for Pro User as a RC version. ;)

About repeated event, i just have forgotten to add this in the list! (thanks to remind me of the feature to be added!)

About time, i will add an option to show or hide time in 2.1 ;-) (i'm adding some others new features too...)

About list of registered People, if not time to developpe it before friday, i will add it in the version after 2.1, but will prepare it.
I'm on holidays next week, from this saturday... So, hope to deliver the 2.1 for Pro User before, and the free version just after my holidays. B)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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