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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1590
par Lyr!C
So, in order to well undestand :
- you have tested your site on local, and it was working fine.
- you transfert your site on your server, and it was bugging
Do i'm right ?
How do you transfert your site ? Using Akeeba ?
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1593
par guschaves
Sorry if I said it wrong, but I tried everything on server, but I created to online directories. One is the main and the other is a trying before use it in the main directory.
In the main the iCAgenda didn't work, but in the lab one it worked fine.
I'm not native in english, maybe it making the conversation a bit harder to understand, really sorry.
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1594
par Lyr!C
I'm not english native too...
Maybe it is a database problem.
I think you have to uninstall iCagenda and re-install it in the site where it doesn't work.
After that, don't forget to re-publish and save the menu-link to the list view.
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1595
par guschaves
I've done it and the problem persists. I don't know the why. Do you want me to print it and attach the image here?
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1606
par Lyr!C
Did you have try to install joomla 3 before on the same directory ? (or using the same database keys ?)
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1612
par Lyr!C
So, i really don't know !
That can be a problem in install of joomla itself.
It is the only answer i view...
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1614
par guschaves
No problem, but I can't use the extension and I liked it.
I'll see what I can do =/
Thanks very very much, u helped a lot
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois - il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1617
par Lyr!C
Something on your admin is making the modal fields of iCgenda not works (use for dates, time and coordinates), so if you find what make this not working, please, keep me inform !
It can be useful to find the reason and/or solution!
ps: when version 1.3 will be ready, try to install it to view if the same problem.
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Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 1 mois par Lyr!C.
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iCagenda - English
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