Thanks for your message and comment!
I'm glad about the success of your website. And i'm happy too for all users using iCagenda for their own website, little or big ones, as far as iCagenda helps them to accomplish what they want!
In the roadmap, there is a lot of things to be developped, and some major ones are in process.
I understand that for anyone the priority of one future function is prior, but the priority of each ones is nto the same for every user.
My goal is not to do a "on-request" development, but to keep all good ideas in the roadmap, and to work globally in the more logical way to deliver month after month the best extension as possible for any user of iCagenda.
Each user of iCagenda is important! And for this reason i work hard for all the community of iCagenda's users, and not one by one.
Of course, i provide a more advanced help and support for users with a pro subscription, and sometimes do some little specific development (using plugin) to allow some specific behavior, but even if a pro user, i won't work on this specific request of a csv importation (which one as you descrived it, is not really clear... as you can still create events in Joomla admin without having them published and/or approved... So why not simply use this system ?...
I think you can manage this without a specific csv import (using status options) as the Joomla system allows it.
Or i may be wrong by not understanding exactly what you mean... (that could happen of course!
Best regards,