iCagenda - English
[SOLVED] fontsize of category on all events
[SOLVED] fontsize of category on all events
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois - il y a 11 ans 10 mois #2829
par pjotter
When I have the upcoming events listed, the font size of the category of the event is too big, and I want to have it smaller, like the size of the event, like on the event details page (see picture).
Due to the fonttype it is not very easy to read, therefore I want to have it smaller
Does someone know which file I have to edit to change this?
thanks in advance,
Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 10 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois #2830
par Mark21
I think I can help you with this one, I've looked into this a few days ago while creating my own themepack. (Please correct me if i'm wrong, I don't want to disturb the great service on this forum)
In case you use IC_rounded, open ic_rounded_list.php. You'll find it here: /components/com_icagenda/themes/packs/ic_rounded.
Line 42: <span style="float:right; color:<?php echo $item->cat_color; ?>; font-size: 0.8em; text-transform: uppercase;"><?php echo $item->cat_title; ?></span>
But you better create your own themepack using the turtorials on the support page of this forum and change the font-size in your own theme. Otherwise you'll loose the changes you've made to the IC-rounded with the next update of ICagenda.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C, pjotter
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois #2833
par pjotter
Thanks for quick reply. It was the right place.
Best regards,
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il y a 11 ans 10 mois #2840
par Lyr!C
Mark21 écrit: I think I can help you with this one, I've looked into this a few days ago while creating my own themepack. (Please correct me if i'm wrong, I don't want to disturb the great service on this forum)
In case you use IC_rounded, open ic_rounded_list.php. You'll find it here: /components/com_icagenda/themes/packs/ic_rounded.
Line 42: <span style="float:right; color:<?php echo $item->cat_color; ?>; font-size: 0.8em; text-transform: uppercase;"><?php echo $item->cat_title; ?></span>
But you better create your own themepack using the turtorials on the support page of this forum and change the font-size in your own theme. Otherwise you'll loose the changes you've made to the IC-rounded with the next update of ICagenda.
Yes, it's that!
The good way i will do in a next update is to add a class, and change this line with :
<div class="cat" style="color:<?php echo $item->cat_color; ?>;"><?php echo $item->cat_title; ?></div>
and with the correct css class cat... Will do the change maybe in the next update of ic_rounded theme pack
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iCagenda - English
[SOLVED] fontsize of category on all events
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